Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health
Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health is an open access journal established in 2019. The journal provides a platform for publication and debate in the interdisciplinary field of arts and culture in healthcare and health promotion. The purpose of the journal is to contribute to dissemination of research, knowledge and practice experience in the arts, culture and health field.
The journal aims to:
- Strengthen the arts and health field in the Nordic countries
- Contribute to the growing knowledge in the field from a Nordic point of view
- Document existing projects to make sure that valuable knowledge is maintained and shared
- Provide Nordic politicians and decision-makers with an evidence-base for policy-making
The journal defines ‘health’ broadly which includes physical, mental, emotional, cultural, existential, spiritual, occupational, social and community health.
The journal’s target audience is researchers and students in academic institutions, practitioners working with arts and culture in health and social care, education, government institutions, the media and other stakeholders from the broader public.
The journal publishes articles in Danish, English, Norwegian, and Swedish.
The journal is published by Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget AS) on behalf of National Center for Culture, Health and Care (Norway), Volda University College (Norway), Kulturförvaltningen, Region Skåne (Sweden), Primary Healthcare, Region Skåne (Sweden), Kompetenscentrum för kultur och hälsa, Region Stockholm (Sverige), Aalborg University (Denmark), Royal College of Music (Sweden), Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) (Finland) and Uniarts Helsinki’s CERADA Research Centre (Finland).
Peer review
All research articles that are considered relevant for publication in the journal are reviewed by at least two anonymous academic referees with no ties to the author. In addition, the article is reviewed by the journal’s editors and the final decision regarding publication of the article is made by the Editor-in-Chief. The journal practices “double blind” peer review, whereby both reviewers and the author remain anonymous to each other.
The journal will be covered by the following indexing and discovery services:
- Google Scholar
- Primo Central Index (Ex Libris)
- The Summon Service (ProQuest)
- Ebsco Discovery Service
- WorldCat Local (OCLC)
Read the latest issue 2/2022 here.