SAVE THE DATE: Nordic Arts & Health Research Network meeting 22nd – 23rd September 2020 (online)

Warmly welcome to the next Nordic Arts & Health Research Network meeting on 22nd -23rd September 2020. Due to the uncertain Covid-19 situation, the network meeting is organized online (via Zoom). The programme starts both days at 9am (CET) and ends around 13pm.
The theme of the network meeting is arts & health education. The theme includes topics such as:
- The role of the arts in medicine and health care education
- Exploring the role of the arts in promoting health and wellbeing in kindergarten, primary, secondary and higher education.
- The status of existing arts and health educational programmes in the Nordic region
- Defining the artist-educator-researcher in the 21st century
Keynote speakers:
Ross W. Prior (University of Wolverhampton, UK): Educating Well: A Future Paradigm for Applied Arts and Health Education
Ross W. Prior is Professor of Learning and Teaching in the Arts in Higher Education at the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. He is the founding principal editor of the Journal of Applied Arts and Health, established in 2010 and published by Intellect. He is author of numerous publications including his books Teaching Actors: Knowledge Transfer in Actor Training and Using Art as Research in Learning and Teaching. Professor Prior is a member of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College, Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Audun Myskja (Norway): Music-based caregiving – improving dementia care
Audun Myskja, MD, PhD, has worked for several decades to develop methods to use song, music, dance and creative expression to improve psychosocial and environmental approaches to the care of dementia, Parkinson, psychiatry and developmental disorders. His PhD project Integrated music has been pivotal in the development of Music-based caregiving.
A more detailed programme will be released in August.
We invite all network members to join the two-day event with keynotes, presentations and networking opportunities together with your Nordic arts & health colleagues!
Sign up for the network meeting before 6th September 2020:
If you are not a member of the Nordic Arts & Health Research Network yet, please sign up here.